Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mary our Mother

The blessed ones!

27 As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”
28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”-Luke11:27-28

As I reflected on the reading, I did something in my thoughts and memory and I was reprimanded by Jesus
for interpreting and twisting the Gospel based on my experience rather than reading and savoring the Gospel and making it unearth experiences in me that needed surrendering to His love (the Gospel is supposed to heal me, and not me putting a different flavor on it). So many religious sects love empowering anybody in interpreting the Gospel and these interpretations are based on their human experiences. It's not wrong to interpret, but what makes it wrong is fully believing on it and proclaiming it as the true meaning of the Gospel simply based on a person's own experience. The Gospel readings have vast meanings depending on where a person is, what that person's state is, what is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and so forth. It is an ocean of infinite meanings so to speak, but it is also supposed to be a heart-to-heart talk with the Holy Spirit. Much better if it is shared with a spiritual director for proper guidance. Though I do not interpret the Gospel reading, I would like to share my experiences, reflections and some memories that the Gospel has unearthed in me, hoping that as it inspired me, it will inspire others too.

So many religions, sects and fellowship erased Mary from their "Bible" and teachings. They do not respect
her or honor her. Some would even go to such an extent as burning rosaries, Marian images and so forth. I find these acts of desecration and unholiness disgusting. If they keep pictures of their own self and family, put them in frames, share them in social media, dust them everyday, why can't they do it to the mother of Jesus - who cooperated with God's plan despite putting herself in danger, who gave birth to Him (God-made-man), and journeyed with Him during His agonizing Passion and Suffering? Mary not only gave birth and nursed Jesus, but she also heard the word of God and obeyed it in her Fiat, "Let it be done to me according to your word." (Luke1:38). Yes, she heard the plan and word of God for her. She can say "No" to God, but she said "Yes" despite the risk and despite not fully understanding at all.

Mary has a special place in the life of Jesus. We should also put, not only Jesus but Mary also, a special place in our lives. We respect her, love her and go to her, as we do our very own mothers, for Mary is our mother too.

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