Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Simply Love

Jesus' yoke is easy!
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”-Matthew11:28-30
As I read the Gospel reading, two words came to my mind, the "What" and the "How." What is the "yoke" and what is the "burden?" Yoke is the teaching, while the Burden is its application or implementation. The Jewish instruction during the time of Jesus was very complicated. The Law spawned into many practices, traditions, rituals, ceremonies and the like. Any pupil will have difficulty memorizing it all. Thus, the yoke makes one weary. The application or implementation of it is also burdensome.

A classic example is the ritual of a cleansed leper [I would have wanted to write them all here but the ritual is too long]. The cleansing ritual is too long and in stages as well. But notice that with Jesus, it is simply "Go your way. Your faith has saved you." As a Catholic, I do not remember anybody having to show themselves to the priest after getting cured from ailments like cancer, stomach pains, bleeding and the like. Of course anybody can show themselves to a priest to thank them for prayers but it is not mandatory or a high-level requirement to do so.

Jesus' yoke is indeed easy and His burden light. The summary of the Bible is set on two greatest commandments only - Love of God and Love of Neighbor. Or simply put, LOVE. Love is Jesus' yoke. And what of the burden or the teaching's application or implementation? Acts of love! Acts of love need not be great. It can even be just a small one. It can even be done by being kind and respectful to others like saying "Thank you" to the waiter. Even a smile is an act of love.

Image courtesy: artists

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