Monday, January 26, 2015

The Power of Speech

Man can sometimes be so unjust.
20 [a]He came home.[b] Again [the] crowd gathered, making it impossible for them even to eat. 21 When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”-Mark3:20-21
So much damage is done through poisonous words, poisonous thoughts, poisonous deeds, misplaced feelings. Usually, we find comfort with our loved ones, family, relatives and friends. But the contrary happened to Jesus in today's Gospel. One wonders how Jesus' relatives came with such a thought and words. Jesus is inviting us all to be a discerning people. He is inviting us to be careful in expressing ourselves or in giving comments and opinion. Yes, this is the age of expression and freedom of speech, but we must be aware of its extent, boundary and limitations as well. If we want to hear beautiful words, then we must be generous with beautiful words to others as well. To speak the truth or to give an honest feedback can be given without any of us being rude.

"The measure we give is the measure we receive."

Image courtesy: artist

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